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About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to embolden and uplift BIPOC women, queer, non-binary, and transgender survivors of sexual trauma (child sexual abuse, incest, rape, sex trafficking, sexual assault, ritual abuse, intimate partner violence) through transformational healing, advocacy, support, and community, fostering connection and equipping them with the resources to reclaim their lives and heal their minds, bodies, and spirit.

Our Vision

We envision a world transformed, where BIPOC women, queer, non-binary, and transgender survivors of sexual trauma discover a journey of profound healing, strength, and empowerment. Guided by our commitment, we create a sanctuary of support, emboldening survivors to shatter silence and rediscover the power of their voices. Through holistic, creative, and somatic practices, we nurture inner restoration, igniting resilience that ripples through communities, catalyzing a brighter future where the shadows of sexual trauma are banished and the unwavering spirit of survivors is hailed and honored.

“Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion.”-Bell Hooks



Empowering Survivors

We aim to empower over 100 BIPOC women, queer, non-binary, and transgender survivors in our first year through our holistic healing programs, providing them with the tools and support to reclaim their lives after sexual trauma.

Partnerships for Impact

By forming strategic partnerships with local organizations and health professionals, we plan to extend our reach and enhance the quality of our programs to establish at least 10 partnerships in our inaugural year.

Educational Workshops

Planning to conduct over 50 workshops on healing, self-defense, and empowerment in our Two years, we strive to provide survivors and allies with knowledge and skills for prevention and recovery.

Community Building

Our goal is to create a thriving community hub where survivors can find solidarity, support, and shared healing, expecting to engage hundreds in our forums and support groups by year-end.

Advocacy and Awareness

We are committed to launching impactful advocacy campaigns to not only raise awareness about sexual trauma in BIPOC communities but also to encourage those who have remained silent to speak up and embark on their healing journey. Aiming to reach thousands with our message, we strive to banish the secrecy and shame associated with speaking about abuse or suffering in silence. Our campaigns will provide a platform for survivors to find their voices, share their stories, and access the support they need to heal and empower themselves. By creating a culture of openness and understanding, we hope to make it known that no one should endure the burden of trauma alone.

Educational Institution Partnerships

In a pioneering effort to support young survivors within educational settings, we aim to establish the 'Safe Pathways' program in partnership with local schools, after-school programs, and universities. This initiative plans to place trained advocates and resources directly in these institutions, providing a confidential and empowering support system for students facing sexual trauma. Our goal for the first year is to launch 'Safe Pathways' in at least 5 educational institutions, offering immediate assistance, holistic healing resources, and advocacy for those seeking to report their abuse and embark on a journey of recovery and empowerment.

Resource Accessibility

Planning to conduct over 50 workshops on healing, self-deOur foundation is dedicated to developing and distributing a comprehensive resource library accessible to all, aiming to be a central hub of support for survivors. This library will not only be filled with guides, articles, and tools focused on healing from sexual trauma but will also include a curated list of local mental health resources.

We plan to connect survivors with therapists and counselors specializing in trauma and providers of specialty therapies. Furthermore, we intend to compile local resources for shelter, food, and career development to assist survivors in staying empowered and self-sufficient. By the end of our first year, we expect this robust repository to serve as a lifeline for countless individuals seeking assistance, ensuring they have access to everything needed to foster their healing and empowerment.fense, and empowerment in our Two years, we strive to provide survivors and allies with knowledge and skills for prevention and recovery.

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